Successful Event. Good Practices for Government Officials

ALS provided support to the #US Government in Mexico this week. The successful event, that was attended by important officials of both countries, aimed to showcase the government’s efforts in promoting good practices to manage challenges faced by Mexican government officials. The event featured the participation of several high-ranking #government officials. Each official highlighted the government’s initiatives in their respective areas, and how these initiatives will positively impact the communities of people living in some regions of Mexico.
With the support of our team of professional simultaneous #interpreters, attendees from both countries had the opportunity to network with one another and connect with government officials and representatives from various agencies. The event was praised for its organization and execution, with attendees expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to learn more about good practices and connect with other #professionals in their fields.
Congratulations to the ALS team! Their hard work and dedication have paid off and resulted in a great accomplishment.
Keep up the great work!

Contact us:

WhatsApp: New York: +1 (347) 415-1195; Mexico: 55 2129-2662.

International Women's Day 2023

The #gender distribution of the ALS team has remained roughly the same over the years. 
Women account for 63% of all the #translators, #interpreters and language #teachers who work with ALS. 
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the #women on the #language world!

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”  Oprah Winfrey
#genderequality #8m #embraceequity

Thank you all again for being a part of the ALS Translators family

With 2022 coming to an end, we would like to thank all of #customers, vendors, #interpreters#translators, and #teachers for their valuable contributions this year!
We hope the holidays bring everyone an opportunity to rest and enjoy special moments with family and friends. 
May 2023 bring you all the joy, success, and fulfillment you deserve! Thank you all again for being a part of the ALS Translators family.

AHPLA, with the support of ALS Translators interpreters participate at meeting between Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard and US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman

Our team of professionals enabled #communications without #language barriers during the discussions of key issues on the binational agenda. The government official touched upon topics such as security, economic development, migration and regional issues, and the events to be held during the upcoming celebration of 200 years of Mexico-U.S. diplomatic relations.

The U.S. delegation included U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar; Deputy Assistant Secretary for North America Rachel Poynter; Max Hamilton, Director for North America, National Security Council; Mustafa Popal, Office of the Secretary of State; and Stephanie Syptak-Ramnath, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Mexico.
#Interpreter #USgovernment

ALS interpreters with U.S. Department of Justice

Prosecutors from various states in Mexico gathered for a workshop led by the U.S. Department of Justice which was aimed at strengthening interstate strategies to reduce impunity and increase the efficiency of prosecution. Our team of professional #interpreters enabled #English and #Spanish speakers to interact without #language barriers.

Learn more about our #interpretationservices at

Would you like to expand your horizons?

Improve your #English #vocabulary to leverage your results in the corporate world.
Contact us today to learn more about our online #business English #courses:
WhatsApp: New York: +1 (347) 415-1195; Mexico: 55 2129-2662.

AHPLA, with the support of ALS Translators, wins tender for translation and interpretation services with the United Nations

We are delighted to announce that it has been awarded an important contract for the provision of #translation and #interpretation services to the United Nations.
The competition was tough, but after careful analysis carried out by the UN, AHPLA emerged as the winner. Our team’s hard work paid off. The UN accepted our offer and decided to have a successful association with AHPLA.

Thank you to the ALS Translators and AHPLA team and Good luck!

U.S. Department of Health and Human Service

Once again, ALS TRANSLATORS provides #interpretation services for intergovernmental communications between the U.S. DOH and Mexican regulators. During a series of meetings coordinated by high-level officials, our #interpreters have enabled an interchange without #language barriers. This has resulted in a fruitful relationship. The future is promising for both nations because there is a good potential for cooperation in the field of public health.

#usgovernment #interpreter #linguistics


Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

On behalf of the ALS Translators family, including the entire #interpreters, #translators, and #language teachers team, we want to wish you and your family a Happy and Bountiful #Thanksgiving.
Our project managers would be THANKFUL for the opportunity to meet you and discuss your langauge needs.
We will be available the rest of the week at 
Have a wonderful holiday!

Does the word "oblivion" ring the bell?

Chances are you’ve thought the film, but what about the exact meaning the word? Would you like to expand your #vocabulary to make use of this and other words when you express yourself in #English? Learn how:
Contact our #language specialists to learn more about our advanced online English #courses for executives:
WhatsApp: New York: +1 (347) 415-1195; Mexico: 55 2129-2662.

#learnenglish #onlineenglish #businessenglish

What our clients say

Thank you to our customers for the opportunity to work with them and also for their great reviews! Thank you so much for taking the time to acknowledge our hard work. We are really pleased to hear that high-level U.S. government officials like our service and everything has been going nice and smoothly during our relationship.
Contact our language specialists to learn more about our #language #interpretation and #translation services:
WhatsApp: New York: +1 (347) 415-1195; Mexico: 55 2129-2662.
#federalgovernment #interpreters #translator #language #nyctranslators 

Happy Independence Day!

Honored and thankful to be part of the Fourth of July celebration with U.S. Ambassador Ken Salazar, the major of San Antonio -Ron Nirenber-, and high-level officials of both the U.S. and Mexican governments! A huge thank you to all our #translators and #interpreters for the truly amazing support they have given us over the year in working for the U.S. government.
The independence celebration was filled with incredible moments and the optimistic attitude shown by Ken Salazar. He inspired us and energized us with his positivity, enthusiasm and energy focused on strengthen ties between Mexico and the United States. 
This celebration was proof that both countries have a promissory future in years to come! 
#happy4thofjuly #happyindependenceday

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Strengthening ties between the U.S. and Mexico

ALS Translators LLC has a well-earned reputation as the leader among companies in the #language communication industry with both high-level corporate and governmental institutions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Our recent participation with a great many American, Canadian, and Mexican institutions has enabled us to consolidate and expand our organizational skills to manage complex projects with the support of our top-notch #Spanish-English #interpreters and #translators.
Interested in learning more about ALS Translators’ language services?

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

What our customers say

“Ari and I want to give you a special thanks for all the work you’ve done for us so far in our need for #certified #translations of official documents we’ve needed. One the most recent ones, the bank statements… Ari got a three-year temporary residency card yesterday. He’s no longer a temporary student resident, but is now on the path to permanent residency. Your quick turnaround of the March bank statement translation turned out to be essential. The National Institute for Migration (INM) recognized that the e-copies were not originals, so having a few days to get us all the originals before our meeting with INM yesterday saved the day. Ari said: “Sure, you want originals. I’ve got that.” He handed over what you sent and that was that!
Best wishes,
Jim and Ari

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Benefits of having a top-notch vendor

In today’s competitive markets, an organization’s success depends on the response time, quality and effectiveness of its team and its vendors.

A vendor that employs methods, technology, experience and expertise for #translating more information at a faster pace with accuracy and spectacular turnaround times will allow you to seize arising opportunities.

Take on more challenges with the support of our professional #translators, #interpreters and #language #specialists. Rely on our professionals. 

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Exceptions to the rule

I before E except after C. What about “weird,” “glacier,” and “seize.” Can you think of more exceptions to the rule?

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

AHPLA –supported by ALS Translators LLC- wins U.S. Embassy bid for interpretation services

We are pleased to inform the AHPLA INSTITUTE, S.C. community that the U.S. Embassy has, after careful consideration of our tender and assessment of several proposals submitted by highly competitive tenders, decided to award an annual #interpretation contract to AHPLA & ALS Translators.
Thank you Ahpla & ALS Translators team for securing this important contract. We know how hard you worked to make your proposal perfect, and you deserve our congratulations. We hope this successful trend continues in years to come!

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

How trustworthy is your new vendor?

One way to assure a vendor will deliver the products or #services agreed upon with the highest quality in a timely manner is to verify its reputation and references.
Always check out references and start off with a “pilot” request to put your new vendors’ capabilities to the test gradually. That will guarantee you will be getting the high-level service or products you need when the moment of truth comes.
Rely on our team of #language specialists!

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Your strategic ally to address your language communication needs

The corporate world is flooded with thousands of fly-by-night and fraudulent vendors that promise you the stars. The language communications industry is no different. After more than three decades on the market, ALS Translators has developed the proven capabilities and infrastructure to guarantee the highest-level service. Rely on our team of #languagespecialists!

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Same spelling but different meaning

The word actual has exactly the same spelling, but different meaning in #English and #Spanish. Can you think of more false English-Spanish cognates?

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Online Language Programs on the rise

2021 has marked the recovery of AHPLA’s #onlineenglish, #Portuguese and #French #courses for executives. We take pride in announcing that the demand of our live business #languagecourses has been on the rise during this year. Companies like Western Union (client since 2008), Ingersoll Rand (Client since 2014), and Acciona (client since 2016) -to name a few- have started several #onlinecourses in recent weeks. We feel confident this upward trend will continue in 2021 and in years to come. 

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

What our customers say

After another successful event with the support of our #English-#Spanish #interpreters, our coordinators at the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey expressed their gratitude with the following message:
“Thank you for the excellent service.” César H.L. U.S. Consulate.
We are proud to be part of our customers’ achievements. We are certain our interpreters will be able to climb over any challenge that comes their way.

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Thank you for the first 35 years

We would also like to thank our corporate clients and the general public for their continuous support over the years, without them we could not exist.
To our #translators#interpreters#language #teachers and staff: we appreciate your generosity commitment, and passion. Your dedication and hard work over the years have been remarkable!

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Vitro mission

Our journey with Vitro started almost a decade ago. The glass giant has contracted our #translation and #interpretationservices to assure excellent #communications with its German, Italian and American vendors and trainers. Today, Vitro is the largest glass manufacturing company in North America. 
Once again, one of our Vitro coordinators requested our support as follows:
“Given the excellent service provided by AHPLA, Vitro requires #English to #Spanish #translationservices for its training program in 2021.”
Ramón Ortega

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Wishing the AHPLA INSTITUTE, S.C. community a very pleasant 35th Anniversary

On this day in 1986 we flipped the door open. Since then, we have come a long way.
For us, 35 means years of united efforts, energy, passion, delivery, commitment, support and gratefulness.
We would like to thank all our customers -everywhere- for supporting our dream of working for their success. We are certain our team of professional #translators#interpreters and #teachers will continue providing the best solutions in #language #communications for the next 35 years and beyond.

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Same spelling and meaning

The word idea has exactly the same spelling and meaning in #English and #Spanish. Can you think of more true English-Spanish cognates that are spelled exactly the same?

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Back in the 80s

Back in the 80s people used Walkmans, record players, and VCRs. Woolworth and Blockbuster were still around and AHPLA INSTITUTE, S.C. was founded. All those electronic devices and #companies are now gone. Only one entity has endured the test of time: AHPLA. With its incredibly dynamic #culture, our #company has continued providing the best #languagesolutions for more than 35 years. 

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

one word doing business

We are not in doubt of our #interpreters’ abilities. We are certain they always put in their best efforts. That is why our clients are confident of the excellent results they will have with our #languageservices.

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

35 years, a good start!

The number 35 relates to a knack for #business. In numerology the number 35 also signifies building, efficiency, obsession for customer service, hard work, excellence, commitment, passion, focus on clients, and wonderful moments. On behalf of all the ALS Translators LLC #languagespecialists and office staff, we would like to wish all the members of the ALS community a very pleasant 35th anniversary.

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195

Metalsa Translation

Success comes when you persevere and have an irresistible value proposition at a reasonable price. Our win-win relationship with Metalsa dates from 2011. This reputable company serves customers worldwide. It manufactures automotive components for the light and commercial vehicle markets. We have started an important #translation project with Metalsa. The passion of our #translators inspire us to reach new heights. Their phenomenal contribution and accomplishments make ALS Translators LLC unique in every sense of the word. Thank you Vanessa, Elena, Peter and Rodrigo for being the pride and joy of our organization.

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195
#languages #linguistic #online

Vitro Interpretation

Once again, our team of #interpreters led by Mary Carmen and José Luis, has contributed to the accomplishment of Vitro’s #business goals. Founded in 1909 in Monterrey, Mexico, Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V., is one of the world’s leading glass manufacturers, the largest in the Western Hemisphere (Americas, Europe and Asia) and the premier glass producer in Mexico. What our team has achieved through their accomplishments is exemplary. We are proud of them. They have raised the bar with their hard work and dedication.

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195
#translators #linguistics #onlineclass


Ingersoll Rand, an American #global market leader with a broad range of innovative and mission-critical air, fluid, energy, specialty vehicle and medical technologies, providing services and solutions to increase industrial productivity and efficiency for more than 300 years, has decided to renew ALS Translators LLC’s Portuguese #online programs to enable its executives to communicate more effectively with their counterparts in Brazil. This program renewal is typical of the ALS’s pipeline of renewals, with commitments with existing customers expected to continue and expand over time. Congrats to our Portuguese #Language Specialists!

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195
#translate #CustomerExperience #global

Platform For Remote Interpretations

ALS Translators LLC has a new user-friendly cloud-based platform for #simultaneousinterpreting. With this platform, our customers will be able to set up a meeting by clicking on an invitation link on both mobile and desktop devices. Other benefits include:
• Security: All meetings now require host permission and a password to join.
• Excellent support: There’s phone support available through multiple time zones.
• Scheduling: You can also schedule meetings in advance, which you can connect to a range of other calendars, including those from Google and Microsoft.
• Immersive host controls: The host and co-hosts controls for several presenters provide excellent control over how your meeting runs. Additionally, there’s access to desktop sharing and hand-over controls too.
• Excellent engagement: It easy to keep your team engaged with things like #virtual hand-raising and other exciting functionalities

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195
#NewYorkTranslators #innovation #learning


How important is to have the support of a top-notch #translator in today’s #global world?

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195
#translators #linguistics #onlineclass

Online Business English

Getting the most of your time while you are working remotely offers unique opportunities and challenges.
You have now a fantastic opportunity to take your command of #English to the next level with our #online programs for executives.
Two ONLINE #classes per week, one hour each Professional / Highly trained NATIVE #Language Specialists Live #lessons (not prerecorded)
Flexible Schedules
Special Price per Participant: $6,948.00 (Mexican currency) group instruction.
Three+ participants, includes six months.
Start date: February 22. Limited availability

Contact us today: / +1(347)415-1195
#multilingual #languages #onlineenglish


Do you need your team to communicate more effectively in a second language to make the company grow?

Contact us today at / +1(347)415-1195

#translators #interpreting #interpreters #NYCtranslators #NewYorkTranslators #translation #Interpretation #CustomerExperience #multilingual #learning #translate #innovation #global #languages #linguistics #onlineenglish #onlineclass

Communicating in the healthcare sector

Both Héctor and Ulises work in the healthcare sector; they need to speak fluently in #English. They cannot afford to have any #communication errors with their patients and customers. They have decided to take ALS Translators LLC’s Online Business English program to consolidate their communicative skills, express themselves more fluently and understand English with ease and accuracy. We would like to give Héctor and Ulises a warm welcome to the ALS Translators family!
Interested in #learning how ALS Translators can help you take your command of English to the next level?

Contact us today at / +1(347)415-1195

#translators #interpreting #interpreters #NYCtranslators #NewYorkTranslators #translation #Interpretation #CustomerExperience #multilingual #learning #translate #innovation #global #languages #linguistics #onlineenglish #onlineclass

One world doing Business

Are you ready to give your presentation in a second #language abroad?

Contact us today at / +1(347)415-1195

#translators #interpreting #interpreters #NYCtranslators #NewYorkTranslators
#translation #Interpretation #CustomerExperience #multilingual #learning #translate #innovation
#global #languages #linguistics

One world doing business

What are the benefits of communicating with confidence in a second #language?

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

Online Business english Program

ALS Translators LLC and AHPLA INSTITUTE, S.C. take pride in announcing the beginning of another #ONLINE Business English Program for one of our clients at Acciona. This new course will enable our client to improve the quality of his #communication skills in the corporate world.
Our new ONLINE courses are the result of research carried out with our clients and #language specialists about optimizing executives’ communicative capabilities in business scenarios.
We have taken into account our customers’ requirements to ensure that their command of #English will be at par with that of their counterparts in other regions of the world.
We are certain our online language programs will help our clients at Acciona and other companies advance their career.
We wish our new Acciona customer the best in his online business English program!
Interested in learning how ALS Translators and Ahpla will help take your command of a foreign language to the next level?

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

You need to manage information in a second #language to make strategic long-term decisions. Would you rely on a company that has more than 34 years of proven results?

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

The instruction manual is critical in the start-up of the new line in the plant. Who would you rely on to #translate your presentation?

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

The global arena only takes highly trained executives. Have you developed the skills to #communicate with ease in a foreign #language?

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

You’re planning to use important information about a new product or strategy written in a foreign #language with a potential buyer. Who would you rely on to #translate your presentation?

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

Every word matters, would you put your #communications in the hands of amateurs?

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

Do you have a new foreign director? Impress him with your command of his #language

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

Is your company’s corporate communication in #English or another #language? Are your communication skills in that language up to par?

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

Happy International Translation Day

Happy International Translation Day to all the #translators and #interpreters!
“Toda #traducción es como el reverso de un tapiz.” Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
“A #translator is a reader, an #interpreter and a creator, all in one.” Bijay Kumar Das
“Simultaneous #interpretation is like driving a car that has a steering wheel but no brakes and no reverse.” Pyotr Avaliani, UN Russian Interpreter

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators #CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #globalonetogether translation languageservices #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

Most manuals of imported equipment or specifications on the internet are written in #English or the local #language. You need to get that information #translated into another language.

#interpreting #NewYorkTranslators
#CustomerExperience #learning #innovation #glob
alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

There’s no room for misunderstandings in the business world, communicate with your clients in their own #language.

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

How would you respond to a client who tells you: “You are a wonderful #interpreter!”

#translators #interpreting #interpreters #NYCtranslators #NewYorkTranslators
#translation #Interpretation #CustomerExperience #language #multilingual
#learning #translate #innovation #global #languages #English #linguistics

We hope all of our clients are well and keeping safe

We have remained fully open & available to help you remotely with our #language solutions.

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

Do you have online multilingual meetings?

Rely on @ALS Translators LLC’ remote simultaneous #interpretations.
· Simultaneous interpretations of your business meetings in any #language
· Select your language with just one click
· 100+ participants connected simultaneously
· Virtual safety. Your information is secure
· Host and co-host control access
· Private and confidential space
· Technical support throughout your event
· Record your event with just one click
· Share your screen and switch language by clicking on a button
· Raise your hand
· Everyone participates actively
Get the most of your next #multilingual meeting with the support of ALS Translators!

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

I already speak a second language, but I want to fine tune my command.

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

Do you want to reach new markets and the only limitation you’ve got is the language?

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

Are you working at home and have time to improve your command of a second language?

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

Do you feel limited to get ahead at work because you don’t have the full command of a second language?

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

One world doing business

How important it is to rely on a good translator?

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

Happy Independence Day!

Wishing a fantastic holiday weekend to all our American
#ALSTranslators #translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #NewYorkTranslators #linguists #languagespecialists

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

A thousand thanks to our translators!

With the speed of light and meeting the most rigorous standards set forth by the Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risk (COFEPRIS), ALS’s translators assisted a reputable corporation that is launching a product to fight the #Covid-19 pandemic. Our customers have to meet very tight deadlines in order to get the corresponding license to commercialize their product. Our #translators successfully completed the #translation projects.
Our #customer was so #grateful that he sent us the following message: “A thousand thanks to the entire @ALS Translators LLC team for their #support, #response and #professionalism. Greetings and great appreciation.”

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195


Tavistock Group

client since 2004

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

ALS's new e-learning platform

Anticipating the growing demand of #online #language programs for executives, @ALS Translators LLC has migrated into a newer, more robust and #userfriendly software platform which has a quite simple interface and an intuitive navigation system.
The good news is that our customers will be able to access their courses on any #mobiledevice and they will be able to interact with their classmates and facilitor during their program.

translation interpretation languageservices

Contact us at +1 (347) 415 1195

Meet the team

Ana is half Brazilian and half Mexican. She has been working as a Portuguese-Spanish-Portuguese translator for @ALS Translators LLC since 2018. She graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and holds a Master’s Degree in Law. She likes to travel and try different food. “Growing up with two cultures, two countries and different traditions has made me a very eclectic person.”

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators  #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

ONLINE Business Language Programs

Our clients and business languagespecialists are always a top priority for ALS Translators LLC. We want you to feel at ease by knowing you may take your language programs ONLINE, knowing you’ll experience the quality you expect from our business language specialists. Remote Interpretations (over the phone or video conferences) We know you may prefer to carry on with your interviews, audits, depositions, conferences or seminars without exposing your colleagues or clients to unnecessary risks. ALS Translators has the technology to provide support you with its ONLINE PLATFORMS to continue with your plans while relying on our operational excellence and commitment to care. Thank you for your support and trust. We look forward to assisting you with our ONLINE services soon.

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195


client since 2010

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators  #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

We make a commitment to helping with translations that keep us united

In response to the recent developments related to the COVID 19 virus and for a limited time, @ALS Translators LLC -in conjunction with @AHPLA INSTITUTE, S.C.– has decided to offer complimentary English to Spanishtranslationservices to English-speaking executives and companies that are planning to share a communiqué on coronavirus with their Spanish-speaking vendors, customers, associates or employees. We decided to lend a hand to help our brothers in the United States and Mexico, particularly the companies located in New York, Mexico City and Monterrey, where our headquarters and branches are located. Our symbolic contribution covers the translation of 300-word documents (one per client). For further information please contact us at

alonetogether translator

ALS Translators’ Video Remote and Over the Phone Interpreting

Navigate successfully through this unprecedented era. @ALS Translators LLC’ Video Remote #Interpreting and Over the Phone Interpreting are solutions to safely carry out your activities during these uncertain times of social distancing.
With our remote Interpreting platform we will enable you to future proof your operational relationships with your global vendors and customers.
Our #interpreters are here for you, up to speed, working at full power to deliver all our #language #services in the best way possible in order to ensure you will be successful in managing your remote global teams.
Would you like to learn more about ALS Translators’ services? Contact us today at / +1 (347) 415 1195

Online Business language Programs

Before the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and on behalf of the entire @ALS Translators LLC team, we would like to assure that our top priority is the health and wellbeing of our customers and business language specialists.

Our clients and #business #language specialists are always a top priority for ALS Translators. We want you to feel at ease by knowing you may take your language programs #ONLINE, knowing you’ll experience the quality you expect from our business language specialists. Remote interpretations (over the phone or video conferences) We know you may prefer to carry on with your interviews, audits, depositions, conferences or seminars without exposing your colleagues or clients to unnecessary risks. ALS Translators has the technology to provide support you with its ONLINE PLATFORMS to continue with your plans while relying on our operational excellence and commitment to care. Thank you for your support and trust. We look forward to assisting you with our ONLINE services soon.

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195


Always happy to help!

The @ALSTranslatorsLLC team is always happy to help. It was our pleasure to assist Akzo Nobel -once again- with our Spanish-English-Spanish interpretation services during its event held in Monterrey in January. ALS Translators has worked for this prestigious multinational corporation since 2013. 

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

ONLINE PORTUGUESE - fala português

Are you unable to attend a #language program in a school at an established time? Do you need flexibility in terms of schedules? Do you simply want to take your language program anywhere anytime? We have the solution. Contact one of our language consultants to learn more about @ALSTranslatorsLLC #online tailor-made language programs:

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195

What our customers say

With the support of AHPLA’s 33 years of proven results, @ALSTranslatorsLLC was inspired by the need to address high-level #language communications requirements in a great many industries. Nowadays, ALS Translators LLC provides #translations, #interpretations and #courses for executives in the U.S., Mexico and China.


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P&G course completed

We’re so happy to celebrate this special day with Gil Huerta of P&G. Congratulations to Gil on his graduation day! Wishing him all the success in the business world.

Take your command of a second #language to the next level with ALS’s ONLINE programs. #Languages available: Spanish, Portuguese, French and English.

#ALSTranslators #translation #Interpretation #CustomerExperience #learning #translate #innovation #translationservices

Maria rises to the occasion with the Deutsche Bank!

Hats off to Maria for working as an #interpreter with @ALSTranslatorsLLC during the Assest Managment and Economic Outlook Conference organized by EVENTUS. Thanks a ton Maria for sharing your talents with us!

#translators  #interpreters #NYCtranslators  #translation #Interpretation #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

ANAB project completed successfully!

Thanks to Straker for allowing @ALSTranslatorsLLC to partake in ANAB’s projects. Our #interpreters worked with high-level officials of  ANAB. As usual, they enjoyed their participation doing an excellent job of enabling auditors to #communicate in different #languages. Thank you to our interpreters for being so efficient and having such a positive attitude. This important projects involved dialogs about processes and technical communication in a variety of fields including engineering, chemistry, HR, environmental standards, legal compliance and upper management action plans. ALS Translators put its bit to ensure the project was completed successfully!

#CustomerExperience #multilingual #learning #translate #translationservices

Hats off to our ALS Interpreters!

We take out hats off to our #interpreters, PM and technician, María, Rodrigo, Alfonso and José, because they overcame a lot of challenges to measure up to ASTRUM’s expectations in December. After several changes, their support and flexibility alloweed ASTRUM to achieve an uniqualified succes during its event. It was a great experience for the ALS team!

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From left to right: Richard, José, María and Roger.

Richard Tyler

#RichardTyler: We would like to extend our thanks to the kindness and generosity you have shown during the Palliser Universities. We are very lucky to have customers like Richard Tyler International® and Palliser®. Our deepest gratitude for all your support. The skills, energy, passion and experience you have definitely contributed to the professional development of participants in your Sales Excellence Program® – Seven Steps to Achieving Extraordinary Success in Sales™ not only at Palliser®, but at many other reputable global 500 companies. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you, and we look forward to working with you again in the future.

#ALSTranslators #translation #Interpretation #CustomerExperience #learning #translate #innovation #translationservices


Located in the Americas Tower in New York City and supported by more than three decades of proven results with thousands of leading global corporations, #ALSTranslatorsLLC was created to specifically address your business #communication needs in a wide variety of industries ranging from financial institutions to automotive and pharmaceutical companies. With offices in China and Mexico, our team of top-notch #translators and business #language consultants will provide you with the support you need to guarantee you will receive the highest quality #translation and language-related solutions.

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Do you want to reach new markets and the only limitation you’ve got is the language?

alonetogether translation interpretation languageservices
#translators #interpreters #NYCtranslators #multilingual #translate #business #languages #linguistics #translationservices

Contact us at / +1 (347) 415 1195